Monday, October 1, 2012

Student Perception of Teacher Expectations

It has been a while since I have posted.  I recall a more seasoned teacher blogger mentioning that you post when you can and do not feel compelled to follow a strict schedule.  That is good advice.

I write now actually out of frustration.  This post is a continuation of a previous post on Daniel's Framework for Teaching.  Our district is now using this for all teachers and it still continues to cause heated discussions.

On Friday, our students had the day off as we prepared progress report grades and had a full day of professional development.  I was honestly somewhat relieved that I was not spear-heading the efforts.  It was actually refreshing to sit and listen to someone else present.

A document was sent a few days prior to the session and teachers were to self-evaluate where they think they were with respect to understanding and interpreting the FFT.

 (I am paraphrasing)

Session One:  Not much

Session Two:  Know something

Session Three: Well versed

I chose session 3 as I co-planned and provided professional development on the FFT during SY 2012-2013.  Our presenter was a 2nd year teacher who has been trained to facilitate professional development on the FFT.  She was fully prepared to lead a session and had taken time to prepare a meaningful training and discussion.

Many teachers did not complete the google form and were just lumped into sessions with available seats.  The goal was to discuss how technology connected to each domain and their corresponding components.  The FFT explicitly states the use of technology only in certain parts.

Then it happened!!  The subculture of complainers started completely derailing the presentation.  Side-bar conversations started, teachers were discussing the lack of technology in their classrooms, or the lack of working technology in their classrooms, or the lack of professional development in the usage of technology in their classrooms.

Were all of these issues valid........ABSOLUTELY!!

Was this the place to throw our IT guy under the bus?
Was this the place to beat up our presenter?
Was this the place to talk about what our kids don't have?

I could no longer bite my tongue!  and then it happened...

I lashed out on the group (thoughtfully mind you)

This is a clear issue of expectations (paraphrasing what I said):

We serve students that do not have access to the same resources at home.  Does that then become an excuse or do we help them work around it and try to make it available in the classroom?


I attended an all black urban high school.....I cannot fathom where I would be if my teachers thought I could not do it because I was from a single-parent family and my mom who raised me was living off of disability due to her MS.

We must expect MORE from these students.  We know what awaits them if they do not get an education.....poverty, crime and becoming a part of a permanent underclass. 

WE have to believe that they can do it and set the bar high, but not unreachable!

They will find a way to get on twitter and facebook and if the use of technology as part of the classroom culture is established, then I do not see why a student would not want to participate and be a part of your online classroom community.  Open your door earlier, tell them about the school library resources before and after school, suggest the local library and if all else fails, then let them use YOUR computer.

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